determine什么意思 determine
Determine means: Make up your mind;一、 Determine related phrases1、 Determine company policies. Determine the company's policy and set a date. Determine the date3、 and decide one thing. Determine something4、 determine the ability. The judging ability5、 determines the distance. Measure the distance6、 to determine the wind direction. Determine the wind direction7、 and determine the facts. Determine the facts.二、 Example
1、 Opportunity will determine the result. Chance will decide the outcome. I must decide whether to meet him or not now. I must decide whether to see him now. I am determined to find out the merits of this matter. I was determined to find out the truth of this matter and conducted an autopsy to determine the cause of his death. An interrogation was conducted to determine the cause of his death.
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