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雅思口语话题词汇 雅思口语话题mirror

2023-09-19 12:45:00教育帅气的蚂蚁
许多网友对雅思口语话题词汇,雅思口语话题mirror不是很了解,下面让艾巴小编为大家介绍下。When preparing for the IELTS speaking

雅思口语话题词汇 雅思口语话题mirror


When preparing for the IELTS speaking test, we should accumulate more useful topic materials, so that we can avoid the phenomenon of having nothing to say in the exam. The following is the information about the IELTS speaking topic mirror collected by Xiaobian. Welcome to check it. 1. How often do you look in the mirror every day? 2. Have you ever bought a mirror? 3. Can you decorate the room with a mirror? 4. Do you often look in the mirror? 5. Do you have a mirror at home? 6. Is it a good idea to use mirrors in interior design?

There is a mirror in my bathroom. I look at myself when I brush my teeth. Then I have another mirror on my dressing table. I look at it when I make up. After that, I don't use it much during the day. Yes, when we redecorated the bathroom, my mother asked me to choose a new mirror with her.

Now there are several different types of mirrors made, some of which are very artistic. I have seen those decorated with shells, and there are other types of decorations. This means that mirrors can be used to decorate walls instead of just looking at our reflections. I will use them in my house.

Not often. However, if I'm going to a party, or maybe I'm going on a date, or sometimes when I try a new look, I look in the mirror more than usual. So, people will find me catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror of the car or on something shining, just to make sure I look good. Besides, I usually like to use a mirror when preparing a speech. However, otherwise the mirror is definitely not my best friend.

Currently, I live in a furnished apartment. Everything has been put away. Yes, I have a mirror at home. There are two mirrors in a room, and there is also a mirror in the bathroom.

I believe it depends on personal choice. People who like their own reflection may have many mirrors in their interior design, otherwise you may choose not to. But, for me, I hope there is a mirror inside my house. However, I hope they can reflect the external beauty in the mirror.
