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商务英语订酒店情景对话 商务英语对话订房间

2023-09-18 10:41:00教育帅气的蚂蚁
许多网友对商务英语订酒店情景对话,商务英语对话订房间不是很了解,下面让艾巴小编为大家介绍下。I think I have reserved a room

商务英语订酒店情景对话 商务英语对话订房间


I think I have reserved a room. Can you check it for me? I think I have reserved a room in advance. Could you check it for me? I hope I can help you. Hello, Pasadena Hotel, I'm Sandy. Can I transfer your call? B: I want to talk to someone about the reservation. I can help you. What date would you like to make a reservation? B: We will arrive on May 12th, but I'd like to reserve a penthouse.

A: Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I'm only responsible for booking our standard room. The person you need to talk to is Tony Parker, who makes all the arrangements for our senior customers. Unfortunately, he is not in now. Can I take down your name and phone number and ask him to call you back? When do you expect him back? A: He was away all afternoon. He may not be able to call you back until tomorrow. Is this ok? Yes, I think so. My name is Sam Darcy. He can contact me at 660-843-3235.



