日常生活英语口语对话 日常的英语口语对话
Kevin: So what's your favorite classic old song? Keiko: You mean my favorite song? I don't know. It's like asking me what was my favorite day last year. Kevin: Well, let it be your favorite song of the 1960s. Keiko: I think it's simpler. No, wait, there are many good songs from the sixties. Kevin: OK, what about your favorite songs from The Beatles in the 1960s? Keiko: Then I still have 10 years to choose. Kevin: OK. What about 1965?
Keiko: That's better. Wait a minute. Kevin: Come and look at this 1965 hit song list. Keiko: Thank you. Oh, okay. It's simple. My favorite song of The Beatles in 1965 is Yesterday. Kevin: Isn't Yesterday a Beatles song that everyone in Japan likes? Keiko: I don't know. Why do you think that?
Kevin: Well, every time I go to a karaoke bar in Japan to watch the song selection, I only find about three English songs:"Yesterday","My Way"and"I left my heart in San Francisco". God, you must have been to a lot of karaoke. Kevin: Actually, I have. I swear they all use the same songbook.
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