雅思口语话题范文 雅思口语话题happiness
There are many kinds of IELTS speaking topics, so if you want to win IELTS speaking, you should focus on accumulation. The following is the information collected by Xiaobian about the happiness of IELTS speaking topics. Welcome to check. 1. What do you think of happiness? In my humble opinion, happiness is not to achieve certain goals. Of course, it is important to realize what you desire, but that is not eternal happiness for me. Happiness is my journey to pursue my goal. 2. What do you like to do when you are happy?
When I am happy, I like to share my success and feelings with my family or friends. I believe that my happiness cannot be separated from them. 3. What makes you happy? There are many things that can make me happy. For example, walking outside for 30 minutes can help me release pressure, and I won't feel depressed. Or buying many things online can bring me more happiness, because it makes me feel that I have saved a lot of money.
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