雅思口语话题2023 雅思口语话题education
2. Education is the key factor of a country's development. However, people have different opinions on whether a developing country with limited resources should give priority to improving and expanding basic education for the masses or providing high-quality higher education for future leaders. Pd(1)- Why should we improve and expand basic education? Everyone born in this world is equal, so they have the right to receive basic education.
Only by improving basic education can poor countries encourage their people to discover their own potential, which will be transformed into the knowledge and skills they use in their work, thus improving productivity and ultimately improving their living standards. -Ordinary people make up the largest part of the workforce. -Moral issues of equal opportunities for all. According to what criteria can we judge whether a young person is a potential future leader or just an ordinary person?
Depriving the relevant individuals of the opportunity to receive higher education to explore their full potential may also make the country lose a potential smart leader. A good citizen with a good education. 4. Too much education is dangerous. If people receive more education than they need for their jobs, it will only breed discontent. For or against? -Preparation and practice -141
Too much education is dangerous? Education has given people unrealistic aspirations: the laws of the market show that not everyone can become a general manager. -There is no point in training people to work at a level that they can never achieve. -Education is expensive. Overeducation is a waste of time and money. Students often have a destructive influence on society: they are at the forefront of radical organizations. Why invest in education?
Most countries need high-standard human resources to compete in the world market. -People without education can't show initiative. Changing technology means that the workforce must be flexible and open to new ideas in order to be valuable to employers. -Moral question: Who has the right to say how much education a person has the right to receive? What criteria can be used to determine the level of education?
Education is the single most important factor in a country's development. Do you agree? Cuc Why is education the most important factor? -Education provides the foundation for other skills. Literacy improves the ability of workers. -Create self/national respect. -Education is the foundation of a healthy population. Why is education not the most important factor? -Health is more important than education. -economic development is important, and only unskilled workers may be needed.
It is difficult to find enough well-trained teachers.
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